First attempt at new year resolutions

4 minute read

Hey everyone, welcome to my site which will serve to document my goals, projects, thoughts and whatever else might happen to need to get documented.

I’ve never really done new years resolutions before and decided on a whim (after watching some cool Youtube video about how people automate their daily routines) that I should start making some changes… by which I mean track what I do and figure out my stats (and eventually set goals for myself).

This first post is to document what I plan to work on and what the goals for 2018Q1 are.

I’ll be cleaning this up (in the code as I learn Jekyll, markdown, liquid, yaml, HTML, and whatever else) and updating this page as I make progress.

Goal Description
Get Healthy Diet, sleep hygiene, supplements, nootropics, doctor visits
Get Scheduled Strict scheduling of time, regular sleep and work hours
Get Rich Machine learning augmented crypto, track expenses, stock market triggers
Get Fit Strength, BMI, Endurance
Get Focused Improve focus by meditation
Get Deeper Practice more deep/machine learning
Get Organized Goals, planning, realistic constraints, completion, time management
Get Handsome Hair, Hygiene, Style
Get Responsive How quickly I respond to phone calls, texts, and PMs
Get Internet Famous Get internet clout via twitter and blogging
Get Creative Perform classical artistic creation
Get Politically Active Create tools or analysis to aid in activism I’m interested in

Get Healthy

Description: Diet, sleep hygiene, supplements, nootropics, doctor visits

Trackable metrics: TBD

Approaches: Diet, Nootropics

Q1 explicit goals: Research metrics and methods. Have at least one metric, one manipulation, an estimate of the time course of effect. Determine 2018 goals.

2018 goals: TBD

Get Scheduled

Description: Strict scheduling of time, regular sleep and work hours

Trackable metrics: total unscheduled time for last day, week, month, time allocation to each calendar for last day week month

Approaches: Schedule all time on google calendar.

Q1 explicit goals: reach 0 untracked minutes for a month

2018 goals: reach 0 untracked minutes for 6 months

How my time gets spent!

How my time gets spent!
Distributions of 24 hour rolling average of how I spent my time. Each column is time spent in a different Google calendar. The distribution is plotted as a letter value (LV) plot, which is a non-parametric estimate of the distribution of a the data, similar to a boxplot. The dot is the time use in the last 24 hours. The X is the immediate preceding 24 hours.

Get Rich

Description: Machine learning augmented crypto, track expenses, stock market triggers

Trackable metrics: Net worth, expenses

Approaches: gather features, data, build model, predict future price and certainty variance of crypto

Q1 explicit goals: Identify features, and start gathering data, track metrics

2018 goals: increase net worth by some explicit amount

Get Fit

Description: Strength, BMI, Endurance

Trackable metrics: Body Composition, HRV, machine resistances

Approaches: regular gym time, bike to work, more BJJ, go to gym

Q1 explicit goals: Get bike fixed. Track metrics. Determine 2018 goals

2018 goals: TBD

Get Focused

Description: Improve focus by meditation

Trackable metrics: Total time meditated in past day, week, month. Meditation streak.

Approaches: Meditate every day before bed

Q1 explicit goals: meditate on 75 days

2018 goals: meditate on 340 days

Mindfulness Meditation Log

Mindfulness Meditation Log
Representation of my meditation. Each square represents a day. Saturation is how much time I meditated on that day.

Get Deeper

Description: Practice more deep/machine learning

Trackable metrics: Hours spent programming deep learning.

Approaches: Do more deep learning

Q1 explicit goals: Learn Deeply for 50 hours

2018 goals: Learn Deeply for (TBD) 200 hours

Get Organized

Description: Goals, planning, realistic constraints, completion, time management

Trackable metrics: Time spent organizing, inbox zero

Approaches: Spend time getting organized

Q1 explicit goals: reach inbox zero (important messages)

2018 goals: TBD

Get Handsome

Description: Hair, Hygiene, Style

Trackable metrics: /r/malefashionadvice wayw ratings?, Alex rating?

Approaches: More regular haircuts, more regular shaving, research and improve fashion/wardrobe

Q1 explicit goals: Shave once a week, spend 4 hours researching /r/malefashionadvice

2018 goals: TBD

Get Responsive

Description: How quickly I respond to phone calls, texts, and PMs

Trackable metrics: Mean response time, mean log response time

Approaches: Respond more quickly

Q1 explicit goals: statistically significant reduction in mean log response time over TBD window

2018 goals: continuous reduction in mean log response time over TBD window

Get Internet Famous

Description: Get internet clout via twitter and blogging

Trackable metrics: Twitter Followers, number of tweets, website views

Approaches: get website (this website), acquire twitter handle (hey Twitter, are you reading this), start engaging

Q1 explicit goals: get website, acquire twitter handle

2018 goals: Reach Brad’s following?

Get Creative

Description: Perform classical artistic creation

Trackable metrics: hours spent arting

Approaches: art more

Q1 explicit goals: 8 hours arting

2018 goals: 40 hours arting

Get Politically Active

Description: Create tools or analysis to aid in activism I’m interested in

Trackable metrics: Tool uses

Approaches: Identify area for analysis, do analysis, make it available

Q1 explicit goals: Identify project

2018 goals: have project available
